In Today’s post we will look into 7 biggest seed germination mistakes to avoid and the reasons why seeds not sprouting for you. This knowledge and certain tricks shown in this article and a supplementary video might take your vegetable gardening to the next level and you can achieve nearly 100% success in seed germination.
Seeds are magic to gardens. Tuck them in soil, add a little water and you’re on the way to a beautiful bloom or a tasty harvest. Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, you will certainly improve your success by avoiding these common errors that will be discussed shortly.
Germinating seeds is in fact a simple process. But when seeds do not sprout, you feel disheartened and some lose their interest in gardening. You should always take time to evaluate or diagnose the problem. Why didn’t my seeds germinate?
Here are the 7 FATAL MISTAKES or Answers to Seed Germination Problems.
You Are Using Non-Viable or Old Seeds
If your seeds have not sprouted within the appropriate number of days, then the most likely or the most common reason could be the seeds are not viable. Always check the expiry date or best before date on the seed packet and also purchase seeds from reliable sources. This seed viability issue can even be due to improper storage of seeds, such as in moisture, which can cause them to rot or mold.
Testing Seed Viability
Here are two simple hacks to test whether your seed is viable.
First method: Simply pour the seeds in a container of water and if the seeds are floating, they are not viable. Just discard them and choose only those sunk to the bottom. This method does not apply to tiny or light weight seeds like flower seeds.
Second method: Checking seed viability using a wet toilet paper method. Pour some seeds on a wet toilet paper and keep it in a zip lock bag for 24 to 48 hours and see for sprouting to check viability.
Another important point to remember is the seed pod maturity, especially if you are growing seeds from a fruit or vegetable. A fruit or vegetable develops from a flower after the pollination and fertilization process and is nothing but a seed pod. In my previous episode, the seeds from green bell pepper did not germinate, but those from the yellow and red pepper germinated to nearly 100%. The capsicum or bell pepper gradually matures from green color to yellow, orange, and then finally red. Hope this answers the question!
Wrong Planting Technique
Planting your seeds too deep can cause problems with sprouting. So, what is the ideal depth for sowing seeds? The rule of thumb is to plant seeds at a depth equal to two times or a maximum of three times their width. It’s better to plant seeds too shallow than too deep. You should also avoid pressing down on top of your seeds after you plant them.
Bad Seed Starting Potting Mix or Soil
This is a very important factor for success rate. Starting seeds in garden soil alone is not recommended because this soil is too compacted and the seeds cannot sprout. Also, if it contains large pieces of stones, wood, and stuff like that, it can prevent the seeds from sprouting freely. Moreover, this soil is full of harmful pathogens that can affect seed germination and also the health of the seedling. Many gardeners suggest baking this soil in an oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes to kill most weeds and pathogens. But this will also kill the beneficial microorganisms like mycorrhizae and pseudomonas from the soil. So, it’s always better to prepare your own seed starting mix without using garden soil. One such recipe you can follow is:
- Cocopeat or peat moss – 70%
- Compost like decomposed cow dung or vermicompost – 30%
This is more than sufficient and the best seed starting mix. You can optionally add stuff like perlite and fine grade vermiculite into this mixture. Alternatively, you can also use seed starting coco peat pellets, which can be directly transplanted into soil when the seedlings are ready for transplant.
Wrong Temperature and Wrong Season
This is another common mistake most of us commit. Planting by the season depending on the zone you live in is really important because the temperature is a very important factor for seed germination. Temperatures that are too high or too low can cause problems germinating seeds. So, try to follow the planting calendar of the zone you live in.
Improper Watering
Seed germination is highly dependent on watering. If it’s too dry, they fail to sprout! If it’s too wet, they will rot in the dirt. Seeds need to be moderately moist to sprout and this is in fact difficult to assess. Also, very young seedlings are even more tender and can die due to improper watering. The best trick to water these is using a bottom tray method. Just keep the bottom tray filled with water and do not water from the top. If the potting medium is dry, it starts to absorb water through the drainage holes and this process goes on and is a completely safe method of watering seeds and tender seedlings.
Dirty or Unsterile Containers or Seed Trays
For a better success rate in seed germination, it’s always wise to use a fresh new container or thoroughly clean the old containers before adding the potting mix. Fungal and mold infections are the most common infection from dirty containers. If infection occurs, you will notice a fuzzy growth on the top of the planting medium. You may also see that a seed sprouts, but then rots at its base and falls over. This is called damping off and is caused by a fungal infection in your soil.
Cleaning Containers
To clean your old containers, you can use hydrogen peroxide or even use your kitchen baking soda – like 1 tablespoon per liter of water – and clean the containers with this solution. Or simply clean them with soap and water or even a diluted bleaching powder.
Role of Sunlight
Do seeds require sunlight to germinate? For most of the seeds, sunlight is not required for sprouting. Dark, damp, and warm conditions are best for the sprouting stage of germination. But once the seeds germinate and two new tiny leaves are out, they need sunlight. You must follow the “Hardening Off” Method, which means a gradual exposure to sunlight, like 1 hour for the first day, 2 hours for the second, 3 hours for the third, and so on, to provide full sun exposure.
Video On Seed Germination Mistakes
Please Watch a detailed video explaining the reasons why seeds not germinating below: